I know most of you are first time backers on Kickstarter, and that is fantastic! I love it! Thank you and I really appreciate the leap of faith that everyone must take to back any Kickstarter Project. It’s a big adventure for me as well, my first Kickstarter project to host, and moving a new niche there is quite a challenge. I would love to hear hesitations, questions, and concerns for those who are interested in the game yet have not made the leap. This would help us tremendously so we can address those concerns. If the concern is private, feel free to email me at [email protected] .

The quality of the pledge is fantastic, but we need quantity as well- even $1 helps, and also allows you to stay in tune to our updates and comment on our campaign. Bringing more backers to our campaign increases our popularity rankings and gets us that extra needed support from the existing Kickstarter community.

We want to make the game that we told you about on Kickstarter– Can you help us?

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