Brief status update

We are working as hard as we can on code at the moment- which isn’t as hard as we would like to. Given real world responsibilities, like silly bills and rent, John and I are only able to spend 1-2 days a week on code. Fortunately we have a strong code base that John has been developing over the years, so things are going faster than if we were developing this from scratch.

We are debating whether to try another Kickstarter campaign for less or promoting and refocusing our goal store- so we can acquire more art and have a human avatar riding the horse as we would like. We think it’s necessary too! At some point we will have it, we just want to have it by official launch.

I have figured out how to add “layers” to horses- which is totally awesome. That means new horses are going to have unexpected markings like socks, blazes and such. Or perhaps a totally different Appy coat than it’s parent, yet the same color. Cycled through some random tail+mane and ended up with the below picture of the Andalusian Horse in progress. Still working on that pure “Show” horse model, will be thinning down those legs 🙂


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  2. WOW!! looking great guys. Have to ask but, will the avatar have much to do in the game? I would love it if it revolved more around breeding horses and less like some kids game… “star stable” cough**. .. anyway looks amazing and can’t wait to see what is next.

  3. Agreeing with Laura, would so love this to go beyond being a kids’ game. There’s a massive market of older people who would love it!! AKA me haha. Wouldn’t mind it being a paid subscription in exchange for lots of work on it (:

  4. I can’t wait for this! This is everything I’ve wanted for a very long time and I hope it comes out soon. Is the expected date still spring 2015 or has it been pushed back?

    • It has been pushed back due to our failed Kickstarter Campaign 🙁 We have to keep up “day jobs” – contract work – in order to support ourselves while working on it. I have been working on it quite a bit as much as I can though lately- and will be posting something early next week about our status and developments. Thank you!

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